Ryaan Farhadi (pronounced “Rye” like the bread, then “On”) is a first-generation Iranian and Afghan American actor and singer. Born and raised in the D.C. area, Ryaan graduated from Pennsylvania State University with degrees in both Musical Theatre and Political Science.
Ryaan is currently on tour with the hit Broadway musical Come From Away. Previously, he has performed on the national tour of Lincoln Center’s My Fair Lady and at various regional theatres across North America. He is based in New York City.
"Ryaan Farhadi showcases serious chops as a singer and character actor playing Orin Scrivello, D.D.S.”
Nathan Top, League of Cincinnati Theatres

“In the eponymous song from Act One, there is a thunder-and-lightning tone that only the fathoms-deep bass voice of Ryaan Farhadi as the evil Caiaphas can meet.”
Jordan Wright, Alexandria Times

Ryaan will be joining in the North American tour of Come From Away as Kevin J, Ali and Others.

Ryaan recently appeared in the National Tour of the Lincoln Center’s My Fair Lady as Jamie/Loverly Quartet.